With TAFKAH as your wedding singer you are guaranteed in the most reliable hands in the Caribbean and beyond when it comes to personal touch and experience. With over 1250 performances on weddings, wedding-ceremonies and renewals alone you can say ‘he’s seen a few’.
From the most intimate ceremonial setting up to the most outrageous wedding parties with people going crazy on the dance floor: TAFKAH has been part of them. Either as the singer, guitarist or entertainer on stage and/or as the producer, booker and organizer of them.
Is your wedding or renewal coming up? Drop me a note because I love to share my many years of personal experience to make your’s the perfect – once in a lifetime – wedding or renewal event for you!
In a personal consultation we will make an inventory of your wishes and see which options are best to meet your requirements within your budget.
Choices can be made on basis of personal preference or for example on repertoire-options for the occasion. Whatever suits the event, TAFKAH can provide.